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Writer's pictureAlessandro Schümperlin

Steampunk experience at Dark Malta

Our experience at Dark Malta was superb. Playing with such important names in the metal and dark scene and in a country like the Maltese one has very few comparisons; the atmosphere experienced in the three days was nothing short of wonderful, it brought us back to the festivals of a few years ago in terms of atmosphere, sensations and with a stellar bill. Not forgetting the professional and organizational skills of René and Hades' management and Hades events which were flawless and perfect.

How can I tell? Well let's start from Malta. I visited it a few times for work reasons between 2017 and 2021 and I must say Malta has its own particular charm, a set of contradictions and different rituals but coexisting in this more unique than rare melting pot. Having had the opportunity to be a "tourist" for a few days in conjunction with Dark Malta has allowed me to review some particular places (I have reviewed Valletta and Vittoriosa with affection, such as the Catacombs in Rabat and Rabat itself) and above all to visit some that I've always missed due to work meeting times or the closing times of museums and attractions (Caravaggio's paintings). (I have yet to see the hypogeum, I should be able to see it in this 2023). The fact that in a small island like Malta there can be so many different styles of architecture and different views, so much history and different landscapes, shocks me every time. The fact remains that my only problem in Malta is driving; I think I wouldn't drive around Malta, except with a hummer, I admit it; better ecabs or similar services.

As for the festival... I'm a "differently young" and lived some of the best dark and metal moments of the late 80s and early 90s, including festivals, and reliving the same atmosphere not it's pricey. To understand what I mean by "the same atmosphere" I mean: being at a concert of several bands with people who experience that music all year round and every day, who for a weekend can be themselves without any social constraints , finding and rediscovering that friendship with strangers (unknown for a few seconds), that passion shared with different people who came from other nations but found themselves there, at Dark Malta, was something spectacular. Then finding some compatriots to share the stage with and then sharing several beers with our new Italian, English, German and Maltese fans was wonderful.

Let's add that René and all the Hades management and Dark Malta staff treated us with kid gloves as a band. Demonstration that the ability, the will to do and the foresight of the project goes far and above all brings excellent results. In addition to the fact that finding similar "souls" the result is always excellent and positive.

Last but not least bar with excellent prices and equally excellent drinks, catering service with good food and spotless bathrooms.

On a purely "technical" level, there is nothing to say about Dark Malta; I had the second fastest and most precise soundcheck in my history (the fastest, for now, remains the one at the Bingo Club in Kiev in 2013), times respected both by us and by the staff; we had a very small backline snag which was resolved in seconds and allowed us to continue seamlessly for the show, for the festival and for us.

All the conditions proposed to participate in the festival have been respected in detail; this which should be the norm for the organizers, and the bands, but unfortunately it is not always respected; another point in favour of the organization of the festival which demonstrates once again beyond any reasonable doubt that it can be done without having to change the cards on the table "on the way" and without having to be "Macchiavellian" in terms of conditions.

The desire to go back to playing on the Dark Malta stage is there, like going back to Malta to play and that's it. We will see if we will succeed in the near future, also because like Blut we will release the new album entitled Traum on May 12th and MAYBE for Dark Malta 2024 we could bring Traum to Malta, but for this I have to hear from René if there will be the possibility to host us again .

In any case, a piece of Blut will also be present at this Dark Malta 2023, even if "only" as an audience. There are some friends I want to see on stage again and others I'll see there for the first time even though I've known them for years.


Alessandro Schümperlin was born in 1976, in love with music and videogames since 1985, originator of steampunk Italia in 2011, and founder of Blut in 2014, with whom he is the singer, lyrics writer and (de)composer. He wrote and published two books and a bunch of short stories. He also penned a tarot manual.

Blut was born as a free artistic expression by Alessandro, formerly a member of gothic metal band Anthologies.

The project from a one-man band developed, first as a studio project, and now a true band able to combine musical styles blending them into a kind of kaleidoscope of sounds.

The band brings original music with no gender limitations, making it is impossible to define Blut. Perhaps the true essence of this project is its absolute indescribability.


2015 Inside My Mind Part 1

2017 Inside My Mind Part 2

2020 Hermeneutics

2023 Traum

Electrodark Remixed Albums:

2018 Inside Your Mind

2021 Samonions' Night (Hermeneutics Remix)

Blut were part of Dark Malta’s line-up of 2022

Dark Malta 2023 takes place between 21st and 23rd April at Gianpula Main Room with over 25 International and Maltese Bands.

Band photo property of Alessandro Schümperlin.

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